Posted by : Fahmina Arshad Sunday, October 21, 2012



Women Empowerment in Pakistan

on its way...........


Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah said, " “No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you; we are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live.” well its a very well self explanatory quote, Jinnah said in 1947, a hot topic for discussion and most needed action of these days around the globe. 
Pakistani women gradually get confidence

Women's situation in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the women have no contribution in most activities or decision making, and this can be seen as a major obstacle towards development. And women’s participation in civil and social activities, and their contribution on a national and international level, is necessary in order to  progress gender equality and reduce gender disparities, thus steering the country towards development. Furthermore, there is no doubt that without women’s participation, a country is unable to achieve success in matters relating to politics, sports, and the economy etc.

Women possess equal rights, as much as men do in progressing development –  be at home, or in formal or informal environments, women are taking their responsibilities seriously, and in a sincere and committed way.

 The women make more than half the population of the country, but sadly they are not treated well. Struggle from different non governmental organizations and some courageous women of the country to make a change in their lives showing a ray of hope to every female. Domestic violence is one the harsh realities of a Pakistani women. Activists who work for women cause say that many women remain in violent relationships because they believe they must obey their husbands and that divorce is a shame. Majority of the women population has same thoughts because of lack of education. One third of women in Pakistan are uneducated and have very little concept about making their own choices. 

 According to a report of NGO White Ribbon Campaign (WRC) Pakistani women are subject to increasing abuse. Increased cases of violence are being reported each year in Pakistan. According to the report: “sexual harassment at the workplace, abuse, beating, and rape were some of the forms of violence against women.”

Misconception about women empowerment

 In general, few people have misconception that women empowerment and gender equality is a foreign agenda, people also think that women empowerment will destroy their society set up and women will not obey their husbands or their family,   but its only misconception women all over the world have been facing challenges and gender inequalities since the beginnings of history.

According to Quran and Hadith

Quran and the Hadith  both also emphasize on the protection of the rights of women, including the rights of education, worship, freedom of opinion, choice of spouse, economic freedom and social role.

So what should we do ? 

 Pakistan government has taken many measures to enhance the participation of women in economic sphere but instead of all this, there is a terrible need to upgrade the status of women in society and it is only possible through giving them protection legally and mentally. She should be given access and control over resources. An effective mechanism should be institutionalized to enable the women in decision making at all levels. Subject of gender studies should be introduced from secondary level in the course curriculum, provision of women friendly infrastructure and environment at workplace, research and documentation on the achievements of women and launching of awareness raising campaigns among citizens on gender and development.

Pakistani women can achieve their goal by joining hands together and motivating each other. Educate women which will ensure awareness of what is happening to women around the world today is an essential step towards improving their situation. It is a surprising fact that women are made to do some of the things simply because of the fact that they are women. No one can change the world by themselves, but many people doing a little can make a real difference in the society.

Women and Men Need to Pull Together and Unite Forces:

A famous  Pakistani saying :
“A man and a woman are like two wheels of a cart. The cart can move fast and safely when both of them are pulling the cart in the same direction, and with equal strength, but if one of the wheels is damage, nothing will be possible.”

Bottom Line

 No developing country or society can afford to ignore the role of a woman, if it desires progress.

Click here to watch a video about women empowerment in Pakistan.

Readers, need your feedback and your views about the issue.


10 Responses so far.

  1. You have very rightly described the true meaning of Women Empowerment. Its true that people consider it a foreign agenda but in reality our own religion has always been in support of empowered women. I really liked the fact that you have added a very appropriate video at the end to highlight your points.

  2. A woman makes the biggest contribution when she raises her children,keep his father and husband happy and also her house in order. It may be another thing that they is never paid or given recognition.I may not agree with the projected role of west but woman still play a big role in decision making, especially about the family. The icon to follow is bi bi fatima.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Loved this line of yours, "No one can change the world by themselves, but many people doing a little can make a real difference in the society"

    Your blog in itself is a prime example of Women Empowerment :) Keep it up.

  4. Unknown says:

    There is only two ways to develop any country, Women literacy and entrepreneurship development - Pakistan is way behind, but activists such as Fahimina Arshad are keeping our eyes open.

  5. Unknown says:

    As an Irish woman the only plights I ever hear are 'I'm expected to work,do the cooking,cleaning,help the kids with homework ECT oh poor me !!!

    LITTLE /MINOR things.I AM FREE to decide whether or not .It's my choice

    in comparison to the major barriers and the dangers associated with your wonderful women,men and kids in your beautiful land who try to change the system slightly for the better of man/woman kind like Malala Yousufzai.

    Keep up the brave and courageous work.We are all behind you and you will always be in my sons and families thoughts ALL OF YOU

  6. Ning Riayti says:

    Fahmina , Keep it up.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Thank you for directing me to this URL from LinkedIn.

    I think that both boys and girls in Pakistan would become literate at an early age if they're first made measurably fluent in alphabet writing.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
  9. Thanks Bob...!!!! your efforts are truly great for posting your comment here...

  10. Anonymous says:

    You're welcome, Fahmina,

    If Pakistan is the first country in the world to do away with reading problems by measuring the fluency with which young students can write syllables, it will be a great boon to national prestige.

About Author

Fahmina Arshad is Blogger, Social Media Activist, Women Rights activist, women rights defender, feminist, women issues advisor and ambitious to work for Women Growth in Pakistan.

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