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احوال ایک شادی کا جہاں کھانا ضائع نہیں ہوا !

احوال ایک شادی کا جہاں کھانا ضائع نہیں ہوا !

ہوگئے نہ حیران آپ بھی۔ میں بھی ہو گئی۔ یہ احوال ایک شادی کا ہے جس میں ، میرے ساتھ میری ہمدم نگہت خان بھی شریک تھیں۔ یہ شادی ارم مسیح کی تھی جو ہم دونوں کے گھر کے کاموں میں ہماری مددگار یعنی Maid تھی۔ ہم دونوں رات گئے تک مسیحی برادری کی اس تقریب میں شریک تھے۔ جہاں ہم شاہد ہوئے ان کی کچھ ایسی روایات کے کہ جنہوں نے ہم دونوں کو بہت متاثر کیا۔ قصّہ مختصر یوں کہ کچھ خاندانی رسومات اور دعائیہ کلمات سے فارغ ہوکر ایک خوش رُو اور خوش گُلو نوجوان نے مائیک تھاما اور حاضرین کو نہایت عزت و احترام سے مخاطب ہوتے ہوئے ان کو اپنی اپنی نشستوں پر تشریف رکھنے کو کہا ساتھ میں یہ ہدایت بھی تھی کہ تمام لوگ اپنے اپنے بچوں کو اپنے ساتھ بٹھالیں کیونکہ کھانا لگنے والا ہے، ساتھ ہی یہ بھی کہا کہ آپ لوگ پہلے ہی بڑٰی دیر سے آئے ہیں اس لئے مزید وقت ضایع نہ کریں۔ اس کے بعد وہ نوجوان یوں گویا ہوا 

’’ پیارے بہن بھائیوں، کھانا آپ لوگوں کی میزوں پر ہی پیش کردیا جائے گا۔ پیٹ بھر کر سکون کے ساتھ کھانا کھایئے لیکن ضائع نہ کیجئے۔ رزق ضایع کرنے کو خدا پسند نہیں کرتا‘‘

یہ بات اُس نے کئی دفعہ دہرائی، حاضرین میں سے کسی کی پیشانی پر بل نہیں پڑے، جس سے میں نے یہ اندازہ لگایا کہ یہ مشق ان کے ہاں عام ہے۔ بہرحال کھانا پیش کیا گیا، حاضرینِ محفل نے نہایت سکون کے ساتھ کھانا کھایا۔ یقین کیجئے کوئی افرا تفری نہیں تھی۔ شادی ہال میں صرف کھانا پیش کرنے والے متحرک تھے۔ کھانا کھانے کے بعد میں نے خود اٹھ کر کئی میزوں کو دیکھا، کسی میز پر پلیٹوں میں بچا ہوا کھانا نظر نہیں آیا۔
دل کو بہت خوشی ہوئی، کاش یہ عمل عام ہوجائے اور لوگ اس کی اہمیت کو سمجھ جائیں۔

یہ تتلیوں جیسی لڑکیاں

یہ تتلیوں جیسی لڑکیاں

یہ لڑکیاں جنہیں میں بچیّاں کہنا زیادہ پسند کرتی ہوں۔تتلیوں جیسی خوش رنگ  جہاں جائیں ماحول کو رنگوں سے بھر 
دیں۔ اور جُگنو جیسی  روشنی سے بھرپور، اندھیروں کو شکست دیتی ہوئی لڑکیاں۔ کہنے کو صنفِ نازک مگر آہنی ارادوں والی، شفاف خیالوں والی۔جن کی نگاہیں اپنی اپنی منتخب کردہ  منزلوں پر مرکوز ہیں۔ جہیں اپنے خوابوں کی تعبیر حاصل کرنے میں کوئی شک نہیں ہے کوئی شُبہ نہیں وہ   کٹھن رستوں پر چلنے پر  تیار ہیں، نہ صرف تیار ہیں بلکہ ان کٹھنائیوں کو اپنے 
ارداوں کی مضبوطی  اور مسلسل عمل سے سہل  بنانا بھی بخوبی جانتی ہیں۔یہ ہیں لڑکیاں ، یہ تتلیوں جیسی لڑکیاں۔

میں بھی کبھی ایک لڑکی تھی، میں  نے جیسا بننا چاہا بالکل ویسا نہ بن سکی، جو کچھ بھی حاصل کرنا چاہا، وہ مکمل حاصل نہ 
کر سکی، لیکن آج اپنے آس پاس جب ان لڑکیوں کو دیکھتی ہوں تو بہت خوش ہوتی ہوں۔ ایسا لگتا ہے جو جو کمیاں مجھ 
میں رہیں وہ ان کو دیکھ کر مکمل ہو گئیں۔ یہ لڑکیاں میرے دل کو خوشی سے بھر دیتی ہیں۔ سکون کی لہریں میری 
روح میں اترنے لگتی ہیں۔ جب  یہ پیاری بچیاں کھلکھلا کر ہنس پڑتی ہیں۔

مجھے یہ کہنے میں ذرّہ برابر بھی جھجھک نہیں کہ اس عمر میں میں نے ان لڑکیوں سے بہت کچھ سیکھا، اور سیکھنے کا اور 
متاثر کرنے کا یہ عمل مسلسل جاری ہے ۔  میں بہت خوش ہوتی ہوں ان کی قابلیت دیکھ کر ، ان کے احساسات جان کر، ان کے خیالات سُن کر، زندگی    کی طرف ان کا رویہ  دیکھ کر۔ انسانوں کیلئے ان کے جذبات دیکھ کر۔ مجھے کوئی عار نہیں یہ کہنے میں انہوں نے مجھے زندگی گزارنے کے الگ طریقے سکھائے، زندہ رہنے کیلئے الگ سلیقے بتائے۔ اور یہ بھی بتایا کہ صرف سانس لینا ہی زندگی نہیں،  زندہ رہنے کے لئے بھی کوئی مقصد ہونا ضروری ہے۔

یہ لڑکیاں ، یہ تتلیوں جیسی لڑکیاں، دیکھنے میں نازک مگر کوئی ان کے خیالات سنے، ان کے احساسات  سمجھے ، ان کے ارادے جانے تو حیران رہ جائے۔  اخلاق،  احساس، انصاف ، مساوات اور پیار سے مالامال ان کی شخصیات  مجھے تو کیا کسی کو بھی متاثر کرنے کیلئے کافی ہیں۔بس ذرا دھیان دینے کی دیر ہے۔ مجھے یقین ہے کہ لڑکیاں ، یہ تتلیوں جیسی لڑکیاں 
اپنے نرم و نازک پروں کے ساتھ ایک لمبی اڑان بھریں گی اور کامیابی کی بلندیوں تک پہنچیں گی۔

   رباب، طوبیٰ ، مکھے تاج، کومل، ضوفشاں،  صدف ، صبو اور انعم ، یہ میری بلند نصیبی ہے کہ تم  سب میری زندگی میں شامل ہو اور مجھے یہ کہنے میں کوئی تامل نہیں کہ  تم لوگوں نے نئی نسل کی کیلئے میری سوچ کو تبدیل کیا۔ میں نے تم سب سے بہت کچھ سیکھا ہے,  جس کیلئے شکریہ،  میری زندگی میں شامل سب لڑکیوں کے نام 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Posted by Fahmina Arshad

عورت کو غیرت کیوں نہیں آتی ؟

there is no honor in killing

عورت کو غیرت کیوں نہیں آتی !

غیرت کے نام پر صرف عورتیں ہی 

 قتل کیوں ہوتی ہیں؟   یہ سوال بار بار

 ایک کیڑے کی طرح میرے دماغ میں

 کلبلاتا رہتا ہے۔ میں اپنے آپ سے یہ 

سوال بار بار کرتی  ہوں مگر جواب ندارد۔کتابوں میں بھی ڈھونڈا، سیانوں سے بھی پوچھا، حکیم ڈاکٹروں سے بھی لیکن کوئی نتیجہ نہ نکلا۔ عورت کا معاملہ ہو تو ہر قسم کی غیرت صرف مردوں میں ہی جاگتے دیکھی، بھائی ہوں ، باپ ہوں یا شوہر نامدار سب کے سب با غیرت نکلے۔اور بے غیرتی صرف عورت کے حصے میں آئی ۔

 بُری عورت کی اصطلاح  نے بھی جنم لے لیا کیونکہ مرد تو بُرا ہوتا ہی نہیں۔گویا عورت اپنے ساتھ برائی لے کر پیدا 

ہوئی اور اس کی برائی میں کوئی شریک ِ کار نہیں کوئ سہولت کار نہیں وہ اکیلی ہی اپنے گناہوں کی ذمہ دار ٹھہری۔

یہ وہ واحد گناہ ہے کہ جس میں صرف ایک ہی فریق کو ذمہ دار اور گناہگار مانا  اور جانا جاتا ہے ۔ یہ تو معاملہ ہے 

معاشرے کی سطح پر۔

گھروں اور خاندانوں میں تو اس بُری عورت کو سزا دینے میں کوئی تاخیر نہیں کی جاتی اور دامے درمے سخنے اس کی 

مرمت ہوتی  ہی رہتی ہے۔ روز مرہ کی گالی گلوچ ، مار کُٹائی سے لے کرہر قسم کا تشدد اور قتل  سب جائز ہے کیونکہ

 مرد کو غیرت آتی ہے۔

آخر اس بے غیرت عورت کو غیرت کیوں نہیں آتی؟

علی شریعتی کہتے ہیں ’’ مجھے بڑا افسوس ہوتا ہے جب میں دیکھتا ہوں کہ کوئی عورت گناہ کرتی ہے مگر اُس کو چھپانے

 کیلئے داڑھی نہیں  رکھ سکتی ۔‘‘

خیر یہ تو ایک  حوالہ تھا اور  اس داڑھی سے  بھی مجھے کوئی غرض نہیں ، سمجھنے کی بات یہ ہے  مرد سب کچھ کرکے

  بھی مکھن سے بال کی طرح صاف نکل جاتا ہے اور پھنس جاتی ہے یہ بے وقوف عورت۔

بہن ہوکر بھائی کے خطوط خوشی سے اس کی محبوبہ کو پہنچاتی ہے۔ بیوی ہوکر خاوند کی بد کاریوں پر پردہ ڈالتی ہے اور 

طوائف ہو تو مردوں کی دل پشور ی کا سامان تو ہے ہی۔مگر مجال ہے جو ذرا سی بھی غیرت  آئے۔ اگر اس جگہ کوئی

 مرد ہوتا تو لاشیں گرا دیتا۔ غیرت مند جو ٹھہرا !

تازہ مثال  قندیل بلوچ کی ہے، سُنا ہے بہت ہی بُری  عورت تھی ، سارا  زمانہ جانتا تھا، سُنا ہے بڑی بے باک تھی کبھی

 اپنی برائی کو چھپایا بھی نہیں  ماں باپ  بھائی بہنوں کی  پوری ذمہ داری اٹھاتی تھی مگر بھائی کی غیرت اس وقت جاگی 

جب  اس کو  نشے کیلئے پیسے دینا بند کر دیئے۔ غیرت مند بھائی تھا برداشت نہ کرسکا اور اس  بُری عورت کو دنیا سے 

ہی اٹھا دیا۔کمال کردیا !

کاش ! ایک دن ایسا بھی آئے کہ کچھ عورتوں کو بھی غیرت آئے

شیخ چلی کا خواب صحیح، دیکھنے میں کیا حرج ہے!


Women can Bootstrap their Career too

Bootstrapping Your Career 

Bootstrapping your career 

Bootstrapping YourCareer is written by Hammad Siddiqui . A book about career development, Job recruitments, personal grooming and everything which can help you to boost not only your career but your life too. If you think that the book may contain a lot of pages, difficult tasks, and complex processes, then you are wrong, a book of 125 pages written in a very simple way.  Book based on real life experiences of Hammad sahib with daily life examples. He simplified the tangled processes in a very possible way.

The book has 8 chapters and every chapter is a masterpiece. From start to think about your career till grab your dream position,  this book will take you the place where you want to stay forever.   I found the situations and advises more acceptable for us because the book is written particularly for the Pakistani job market.

As I am a big supporter of Social Media, The chapter about social media attracted me a lot. I love the phrase “Your Network is your Net worth”. Readers will get excellent tips for the productive use of social media.

From the chapter about Tools, Trick and Techniques, I got the answer of the most difficult questions of the history of the interviews “Where do you see yourself after five years? “  I hope other readers will also get their desired answers from the book, like me.

Another thing which I like most is “Five biggest career regrets” in chapter 7, which can help to anyone for a better planning for career growth.

Chapter 8, the career questioned answered, is very interesting and readers can express well in their interviews by adopting these wonderful ideas.

Conclusion:  Bootstrapping your career is an exceptionally good helping tool for career development not only for the new comers but for the professionals too. Highly recommended for the masses.

Special Note :  Bootstrapping your career is an   “equal opportunity “ type book, means no gender restrictions, Girls , professional or nonprofessional women can also get help from the book to boost their career and life too.

The writer Hammad Siddiqui  is currently serving in center for International private Enterprise as deputy Country Director. He writes at

His twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn profiles are

To order your own copy of Bootstrapping Your Career, send an email to  or  from

Are you ready for the Change ??

I read an Article in Daily Dawn under the heading " Women in White "  found it really interesting , written by Ambreen Arshad ,  share here for my online friends.

Women in White 

Women in Pakistan Navy 

Seafarers have always been men, in all eras and cultures — be it as merchants, explorers, pirates or defenders. Is it the sea or the isolation at sea that makes it unwise for men and women to work in close proximity for days and months? Whatever it is, breaking the glass ceiling in the navy is not the done thing, except for a few countries, such as the US, where females are on board naval vessels working in different, traditionally male, domains.
Thus, understandably, women in Pakistan Navy have no combat roles to play. They are inducted in supporting roles in departments deemed more suitable for the fairer sex, such as education, medical, public relations, information technology, law and logistics. When inducted in the Short Service Commission course, they may not have the same career paths as their male counterparts but these ladies undergo the same kind of nine-month intensive training at the Naval Academy, which they undertake along with men. They are required to flex a few muscles while undergoing tough physical training that includes running, sprint, rope climbing, rope skipping, horse riding and swimming. Sailing and handling small arms are also part of their training now.
In addition, they also participate in practical leadership exercises, sports and co-curricular activities to further enhance their skills and strength, making them more suitable for playing their roles, though supporting ones, in the armed forces. Short Service Commission is of five years that can be extended/converted into permanent commission.
The first batch of females was inducted in August 1997, which comprised six females who specialised as pharmacists, dieticians, public relations officers and statisticians, while the latest batch of commissioned officers to pass out on June 30, 2013, had 10 women. But much before these women joined Pakistan Navy through proper induction in a course, many female officers have donned the white uniform whenever their services have been required, to be part of the traditionally more female-friendly corps — education and medical. The largest number of females in Pakistan Navy are inducted in the education department, followed by medical, where many are graduates of Army Medical College, Rawalpindi.
Women in Pakistan Navy have attained the ranks of captain (which is equivalent to the rank of a full colonel in the army) and most of the high-ranking officers are part of the medical corps. Cadet Beenish Zaidi, on receiving the Commandant Gold Medal when passing out from the Naval Academy, has proved that, like in the other branches of the armed forces, women have also stood out during their training period in the navy.
While recent years have shown much progress for women in the other two branches of the armed forces, with women proving their mettle as paratroopers and fighter pilots, they will not be taking to the sea in the foreseeable future as defenders of our sea frontiers. Keeping them safely on land, serving supporting roles and finding their own niche in clearly defined areas of work is all that the navy can promise its female officers.
But who can blame them for this discrimination? It isn’t that they don’t have faith in the capabilities of their female officers — they just don’t have faith in their male officers. (Isn’t this true of all males in our society, a feminist may ask!) Until male attitudes and views change — probably when hell freezes over — this cannot change.

First Women's Rights Activist in Asia

Ms. Fatima Jinnah

Ms. Fatima Jinnah

First Women's Rights Activist in Asia

Tall , lean , decent, sophisticated , a very well dressed white hair lady's very first introduction is , the sister of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan.

She is Fatima Jinnah , a dental surgeon, biographer, states woman, and one of the founding leaders of  state of Pakistan, but here I want to point out her role as a women right activist. 

She was the first woman in Asia who found an exclusive female student association , " Women Students Federation " in 1941.   Fatima Jinnah also played a pivotal role in civil rights and introduced the women's rights movement in the Pakistan Movement. She founded the All Pakistan Women Association (APWA) after independence   which to date is functioning as Asia's top institution to serve and protect women's rights.

She herself became a role model not only for the Muslims women of South Asia, but for
the women of whole Asian society. she worked for the promotion of women’s rights and privileges in Pakistan under very difficult circumstances.
She is the name of wisdom and sacrifice and social service. she left all the riches and comfort of her life as well as her career as a surgeon, remaining unmarried and dedicated her life to serving the Pakistan and its people specially the women of Pakistan. 

We are all proud of Miss Fatima Jinnah. May Allah bless her soul.

Paying tribute to his sister, Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah once said, "My sister was like a bright ray of light and hope whenever I came back home and met her. Anxieties would have been much greater and my health much worse, but for the restraint imposed by her"

Mohammad Ali Jinnah with Fatima Jinnah

Green Girls

Green Girls of Pakistan rock the ground.

Pakistan's women cricket team

This time Pakistani women rock the cricket ground and made the nation proud as well as our man cricket team did.
 Pakistan's women cricket team beat Netherlands by 20 runs in the rain-shortened match and qualify for the ongoing Women’s World T20, according to ESPN cric info.

 A big Wow for the women team.!!! In a society infested with forbiddance of women’s freedom thinking about to form a women cricket team that represent the nation globally is just like asking for the moon.  Despite the fact that the women team largely gone unnoticed and most Pakistanis are still unknowing the fact that Pakistan has a women’s cricket team, the green girls persistently show their performance and raise the national flag in International arena.

Although all team members are doing really well in this scenario but I like to mention the name of Sana Mir, captain of Pakistan’s cricket team. She led her team to an Asian Games Gold medal in 2010. Her marvelous leg spin bowling stood her at the 8th step with 607 points in the list for bowlers.   She is the only Pakistani in the ICC T 20 Rankings for women. (click here to read more). Hope Pakistan green girls will do great in T20. 

watch the video Video by Sara Faruqi and Hafsa Adil, text by Taimur Sikander.

Burka Avenger, fights for girl’s schools in Pakistan

Burka Avenger,  fights for girl’s schools in Pakistan

Burka Avenger

Today Geo Tv is going to launch the first animated series “ Burka Avenger”, is the first South Asian ninja who wields books and pens as weapons. 

Wonder Woman, Cat Woman and Super girl now have a Pakistani counterpart in the pantheon of female superheroes, Pakistan’s first ever very own superheroine “The Burka Avenger”.  Meet her; the desi superwoman is a mild mannered teacher who has secret martial art skills. She uses a flowing black burqa to hide her identity as she fights local bad people who want to shut down the girl’s school.

The action-based cartoon, Burka Avenger, is a brainchild of pop singer and former band member of Awaz, HaroonRashid, and will make its debut on Geo TV in early August. The cartoon is definitely a mirror to our society which suffers at the hands of extremists — those blowing up schools in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to oppose girls’ education. But limitations only give birth to heroes like Malala Yousafzai and, now, the Burka Avenger.  Haroon said that the purpose behind this cartoon to emphasize the girl education in Pakistan. 
( click to read more )
 Burka Avenger has yet to launch on TV, but she is creating quite an impression in a country where female literacy is estimated at a grim 12% and the Taliban are continuing a campaign which has seen hundreds of girls' schools blown up in the north-west.

Well thumbs up!!!  Hope that she will leave a good impact on our society and helps to solve problems or clear the misconceptions about girl education. 

The World of ‎Malala‬

The World of Malala

Today  I am not writing but copying a post about  ‪#‎Malala‬ written by  Ashraf Chaudhry,  which he posted on his Facebook page with the title of

Malala Yousufzai 

  " To the World of ‪#‎Malala‬ via Ashraf Chaudhry " 

The innocent and impressionable Malala is being misused to portray image of Pakistan as if it a country of barbaric people where girls are chained and denied of education. The world must know that Pakistan's schools and colleges are full of girls and boys, no discrimination at all. The culture of one tribal belt does not represent Pakistan. By the way, Swat, Malala's home town, has the highest literacy in Pakistan.

The world must know that we had women governor in Pakistan
 (Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan)  when women in Switzerland were not eligible to cast votes. 

The World in general and USA in particular must know that Pakistan had women opposition leader in the times when fragile and black Miss Rosa Parks was being beaten in the bus in Montgomery, Alabama for sitting on the seat reserved for white people.

Pakistan had women Prime Minister twice. Pakistan has had Speaker National Assembly and Governor State Bank. 

Recently I was in Quetta, a conservative city, I addressed the students for three days. Halls were packed with girls and boys. No discrimination at all. 

Pakistan is a land of diverse cultures. An incident in one part of Pakistan should not be used to malign and tarnish the image of entire Pakistan. Attack on her is condemnable but the way she is being misused, abused and exploited is more condemnable. 

The Youngest Microsoft Certified Professional in the world, Arfa Karim, is from Pakistan. The Fastest Women in South Asia, Naseem Hameed, is from Pakistan. Women in Pakistan are flying latest war jets, they are doctors, engineers, entrepreneurs. 

If one section in Pakistan is chained and enslaved, that is, media. Give dollars to the owners of TV Channels and newspapers, they can sell their souls.

Women Friendly Organization

Beaconhouse School System 

A Women Friendly Organization

We all always talk about the injustice and inequality with the women in our country,  although these are the realities and one should never deny but while talking about these cruelness of society and people we should never forget about the people and organizations who are working remarkably for the benefit of women in our country.

Beaconhouse School System is one of those. Mrs. Nasreen Kasuri, the chairperson of beaconhouse school system founded it in 1975 and now it is the largest school system of its kind in the world. As far as Mrs. Kasuri's significant role  in developing the private education sector in Pakistan, she has also played an important role in women's empowerment in the country. 

Happy women employees of Beaconhouse School System
62 % of Beaconhouse employees are women which includes a very high percentage of women in upper management.

Beaconhouse School system  hire women, pay them a very smart salary and a provide them a great environment to work with a peace of mind and above all,  the system trained them , groomed them, and polished them not only to make them a better employee for the system  but it helps to transformed them as confident qualified individuals, by this, the system not only get benefits for its own but it injects power in our society and in our country's economy too. These qualified, trained and confident women are working as a silent support system for  our socitey and country as well. These women share their abilities and skills with their families, friends and off course with the society . Beaconhouse school system is doing such a remarkable job for women's professional development and providing them an excellent environment to work and grow professionally.

I am proud of myself as a part of Beaconhouse School Systems and  thankful to the system for working for the betterment of Pakistani women in this society where we badly needed
" Women Friendly Organizations".


Stop it !


Stop violence against women.. 

Language may differ  but the message is very clear " Stop violence against women".

This message spreading widely through a campaign. The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign is a global campaign dedicated to ending gender-based violence. It runs each year from November 25th: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to December 10th: Human Rights Day. Coordinated by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership, the Campaign has seen over 4,100 organizations in 172 countries participate since 1991.

The 16 Days Campaign is dedicated to:

Raising awareness about gender-based violence as a human rights issue; Strengthening local work around violence against women; Providing a forum to develop and share strategies; Demonstrating the solidarity of activists around the world; and Calling governments to account, respond, protect, and prevent violence against women.

A very much needed campaign for my country where we really need to aware our women about their rights and a need to change in our society about their abnormal behaviors towards a very important part of their society Women. As we all know its a very slow process but I strongly believe that with continuous efforts we can bring the change... a big positive change.

In 2011 Violence against women in Pakistan has been increased 6.74 per cent as compared to 2010.

A newly issued report of Aurat Foundation (AF) a leading women’s rights organization. Says that , “8539 different incidents of violence occurred against women in different parts of Pakistan which shows 6.74 per cent increase in violence against women in 2011 as compared to 2010.”

The report says the number of violence against women remained high in Punjab where 6188 cases of violence against women have been registered, 1316 in Sindh, 694 in Kyber Pakhtunkhowa (KPK) and 193 in Balochistan. “322 women were killed in the name of honour in Punjab, 266 in Sindh, 86 in Balochistan and 30 cases were surfaced  in KPK in 2011” the report added. According to the report the number of reported cases of rape and gang rape are 827 and 734 have been reported in Punjab. for more click here

In Pakistan the total population is 180million, amongst which women make 51% of the whole population. There have been 2nd class citizenship given to women. The laws against domestic violence is not executed at all. In the year 2011 more than 8,000 cases of offenses against women were reported in media. The unreported are still beneath the attention of laws.

At any day, pick a news paper, you will find a report about violence of any kind against women.

What are the forms of violence against women?  

In Pakistan, in addition to the obvious brutalities to victimize females such as the physical and psychological violence, gross injustice like lack of independence to women in their personal choices and the absence of fair opportunities in life  exists as well.   In most cases, society and culture work hand in hand against the common Pakistani woman. Below are some examples:

2. Pakistani women denied right to work late.

  • This all happens in our society because we live in a society where  men were and are still considered to be the bread-winner.
  • Parents pampering the boy child and discriminating the girl child which gives a superiority complex to most typical males in our society.
  • Illiteracy and extremism is a big cause.
  • Forced marriages are still a form of torture prevalent throughout the country.  

 The United Nations estimates that nearly 70 per cent of women in the world suffer from some form of violence during their lifetime; in Pakistan perhaps the percentage is even higher. for more click here. The bottom line is violence prevails because we allow  it to.

The time has come that we should take a stand and try to stop all kinds of violence against women in our own households and the women who work outside their homes.

Watch this video..... think!!!!
 I hope you will do your part and will rise at least your voice against the Violence. you can register your voice by commenting on this blog.....Speak up!!!!!

You may also like to read :
Harrasment of Women at work place

Who killed Farida Afridi

Land of Burnt Faces

See what students think about Violence against women  click here


Sharm un ko Magar naheen Ateee.........

Sharm un ko Magar naheen Ateee.........

(Still need to work hard to achieve the require results)

A ruckus was created in the Punjab Assembly on Wednesday when Unification Bloc leader Sheikh Alauddin passed vulgar remarks against women MPAs in the opposition, 

women assembly member fighting 

Women Parliament members walk out from assembly

  I was not shocked when i read this news and watch it on TV, because i knew that although these people

 ( men ) are sitting in the most respectable place of the country, but I don't forget that these people are representing our common people, and the majority of our common people still not ready to give the right place to the women and don't want to accept the reality that women also have the rights as well as they have.

Female MPAs throw shoes at belligerent Sheikh Alauddin

About Author

Fahmina Arshad is Blogger, Social Media Activist, Women Rights activist, women rights defender, feminist, women issues advisor and ambitious to work for Women Growth in Pakistan.

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